Has ultra-targeting also become more fluid ? Young boomers exist, and old millennials too… Yet our profession is struggling to evolve and briefs are still full of “mothers between 35 and 50” – the new heroine of the shopping trolley – a restrictive vision that contributes to stereotyping and discrimination. What really defines us : age or experience ?
Now we know that our targeting on consumers’ life experiences rather than age would increase effectiveness by a factor of 4.
“That skirt, it’s not your age anymore !” addressed to a rock’n’roll Granny, is nonsense, according to this report by Kantar Media, Beyond age. By embracing this new approach, we place ourselves in a much more altruistic and efficient process – listening and observing our societies and trends, going against our internalized biases.
An example ? Baby nappies. When targeting is based on age only (25-34) in Western Europe, we see that the defined target would be 2.5 x more likely to have purchased compared to the average consumer. However, when you segment by people of all ages who have had or are in regular contact with a baby in the past year, the index then becomes 10 times higher than the average adult. 4 times more effective, therefore.
So let’s not hesitate any longer :
And we take advantage of this to better engage, touch and stimulate ! Doing “significant marketing” is also about challenging common preconceptions and bringing innocence back into our old-fashioned ways. We need to create “safe spaces” to allow the notions of diversity and inclusion to flourish : in our strategies and targeting, we owe it to ourselves, as creators of positive, to reflect the plurality of everyone’s life experiences.
Keep it simple. Keep it positive. Keep it open.
Photo © cottonbro
The design of everyday objects cannot exclude a quarter of the population. The list of exclusion factors is long …
For the sake of living beings, the planet, and society as a whole, it is urgent to incorporate a holistic vision of branding into our professions.
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We support companies and brands through a roseponsable and holistic experience, starting from purpose, to narratives, design, communication and activation.
Forget about anxiety – the future is coming in a blink, lead the change, and THINK PINK.