Sustainable is desirable

accelerate hope

Eco-optimism Made in France

Sacré frenchies! Incredibly pessimistic, yet inventors of the eco-optimism concept. Is it because the French worship effortless pleasures (café culture)…? For sure, “Les Ecoptimistes”, by French writer and journalist Dorothée Moisan, offers a solution to eco-anxiety, a worldwide mental health issue.

Eco-anxiety is a broad phenomenon including climate anxiety. And since it’s a real threat, it is often accompanied by feelings of grief, anger, guilt and shame, which in turn can affect mood, behavior, and thinking. Affecting Gen Z, but not only.

Instead of looking back on how great the world was before, how mean people have plotted in killing our future, let’s collect good news and gather good energy.

Read the story of Dorothy, at a “terrasse de café” – a bright way to illuminate your darkest thoughts about the future. 



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APEF, let food bloom

The endive growers have one key notion in common : their legacy. Passing the agricultural and local know-how from one hand to another, from human to human, therefore ensuring the sustainability of the art of growing, farming and harvesting is one of the many reasons their stories are so special.

Is A.I woke to diversity ?

Fueled by biased data, AI has an unfortunate tendency to caricature the bodies of sports enthusiasts, and it’s here that the brand Asics says: GAME OVER.

Fast & Harmonious

Our creative industry involves high pressure, and our daily routine is driven by quality and productivity, 2 notions hard to combine when timings get mad.



We support companies and brands through a roseponsable and holistic experience, starting from purpose, to narratives, design, communication and activation. 

Forget about anxiety – the future is coming in a blink, lead the change, and THINK PINK.