The power of new narratives

Our agency’s responsibility is to activate the power of new, positive, and sustainable narratives. Powerful stories that move the lines of overconsumption …
Certified solidarity

The SSE is on everyone’s lips. Eco-design, eco-consumption, and eco-design initiatives are multiplying and are supported by the French state …
Food eco-score

Impact calculators on the rise.
If you are familiar with the Nutri-Score, present on over 60% of our food products, a new tool is gradually but surely …
Mindful spending

Mindful spending isn’t about restricting your expenses. It’s about reclaiming the power of your awareness, which prevents you from succumbing to …
Eco retrograde

The DIY trend goes back to the old days. Unfortunately sobriety brings back “trad wives,” who rely on traditional and sexist images, revealing a darker reality.
Less bad vs. more good

It’s time to tackle real problems, not to fix reality with carbon offsets.
By putting innovation and responsible design at the core …
Bulk buying unpacked

Laziness, hygiene, price… bulk isn’t thriving. While major retailers (GMS) will soon have to dedicate 20% of their surfaces to it, it’s losing its appeal.
No taste for food waste

Throwing away food is always painful; we always try to do something with spoiled food to waste as little as possible. French toast is a perfect example of this.
The sherpas of conscious consumption

Who should bear the backpack of responsible consumption? Politicians, businesses, consumers? We are tempted to say all three – but it is certain that businesses can carry a heavier, more robust backpack…
Dopamine detox

A new notion is born (again). Screens fill our days. Like a difficult but necessary fast, dopamine detox is the key to indulging life in all its simplicity …