From me to we

deux mains faisant le signe V

Brands and companies must address benevolence in all its dimensions to reveal their social utility.

Caring for all

Jeune femme aux cheveux bleus accoudée portant une prothèse au bras gauche

Diversity, equity, and inclusion of people with disabilities are at the heart of tomorrow’s world. Easier said than done!

Rose Eye

lunettes mixtes monture doré verres rose

Goodbye gendered pink, hello shocking pink that dares to stand out! Its enthusiastic vibration is leading the world towards an eco-citizen transition.

The end of Mad Men

Alignement de trois rangs de cravates à motifs variés et multicolores

For the sake of living beings, the planet, and society as a whole, it is urgent to incorporate a holistic vision of branding into our professions.

The plate of the future

Couverture du livre blanc "Dans l'assiette de 2033"

What will we be eating in 10 years? A futuristic projection on the plate of 2033, the white paper that sees food through rose-colored glasses.

Edgy Veggie

Steak vegan de la marque Accro

Panic among meat lovers, beef steak threatened by the arrival of very good “meat analogues”! Meat is hooked on punk.


jeune homme de dos sur la pointe des pieds dans une rue ensoleillée

Many green influencers have taken to TikTok and are raising awareness of the climate crisis through tutorials, simple tips and educational videos to minimise our environmental impact.