Age-targeting is dead

mains âgées couvertes de strass autocollants

Focusing our targeting on consumers’ life experiences rather than age, now that’s an interesting novelty!

Quest is the thing

homme noir recouvert de paillettes

You see, Orelsan, the party is not over, our quest for sobriety is not a punishment, it revels in new creative opportunities. Simple, basic.

The courage of innocence

petite fille asiatique une sucette à la main devant un tableau ardoise sur lequel sont dessinés de part et d'autre une paire de bras musclés

At Roseponsable, we have chosen to celebrate childhood. We light up a new path by making our little simple hearts beat strongly.

Roseponsable letter to Santa Claus

Soutien-gorge en crochet de la marque de lingerie upcyclée Napperon

At the end of the year, we combine celebration and sobriety (sparkly, of course). Our 3 ultra Roseponsible favorites for Christmas, as a gift.

Candid brands

Trois bouteilles de smoothie Innocent recouvert de leur bonnet tricoté

No more pretenses, no more convoluted marketing, the truth must be simple to be authentic. 3 tips for an innocent and responsible branding

The Power of Their Innocence

Homme Amish aux yeux vairons, les mains en prière

Welcome to the land of innocence, welcome to a Christmas among the Amish. Here, there are no Christmas trees, no ornaments, no garlands.

Christmas Rebel Rebel

Cornet gaufré rempli d'une branche de sapin de Noël

Overconsumption, excessive gifts, and upset stomachs. What if the menu for the holiday season became our weapon of rebellion?

we care for more than hair

personne aux cheveux courts rose recevant une coupe à la tondeuse

Digitalisation and ecological impact are at the heart of the major transformations in the hairdressing sector.

From Pink October to Movember

Femme brune à frange mimant une moustache avec une mèche de cheveux

From Pink October to Movember, to effectively carry a message and mobilize and raise awareness behind it, we must first take away the drama and make it less intimidating.

Pink is the new green

Haltere en plastique rose translucide contenant des fleurs

Is green still the color of the ecological cause? Let’s adopt a new posture that makes the eco-citizen transition desirable.