Common sense is back
Good, Beautiful, True. The Platonic Triad– if people talked about it 24 centuries ago, there must be a reason, right? The Right, which adds to the equation, takes on a new form.
Original release series aren’t for everyone. 8 to 12% of the world’s population is dyslexic, and reading subtitles can be very tricky…
Cultivate diversity
As a team, let’s uproot biases and create safe spaces so that every message recipient is no longer confined to a targetable subsegment but …
Is A.I woke to diversity ?
Fueled by biased data, AI has an unfortunate tendency to caricature the bodies of sports enthusiasts, and it’s here that the brand Asics says: GAME OVER.
Basta intolerances
Barilla challenges tradition with ‘OpenRecipes,’ reinventing the art of the pasta plate, open to cultural, religious, and dietary diversities.
May the force of diversity be with you
Social Issue or Woke Trend?
Gender, disability, age, LGBT+, social and cultural diversity…May the force of diversity be with you.
Keys to soulcare
To pay attention, to look after one another, to care for the soul. These last few years, mindful cosmetics have started invading vanities and routines.
Colorclock your mood
Digital designer Jack Hugues rocks the clock of our circadian rhythm.
Through his experiment, Hugues “transforms time into a sublime spectrum of colors”
APEF, let food bloom
The endive growers have one key notion in common : their legacy. Passing the agricultural and local know-how from one hand to another, from human to human, therefore ensuring the sustainability of the art of growing, farming and harvesting is one of the many reasons their stories are so special.
Timeless Trust
How do brands succeed in building trust?
Here’s a simple equation we follow: Add Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy and divide by self-interest.